Monday, February 1, 2010

February-- seriously?

February has come upon us already. I only had a week of 2010 outside of the hospital, so it feels like I not only had my liver resected, but also my January.
Still not getting great sleep in the hospital. I was proud of myself for being able to get myself in bed with everything in reach without any assistance. Usually, I climb into bed, and Ashley sets everything up (making sure things are plugged in and that I have necessary items on my tray). Without my wonderful helper, I still managed to do it. But that doesn't mean I don't miss her.
Drains are back down to a low rate (the drain increase from yesterday turned out to be an anomaly). Tomorrow, I'm having a CT to make sure there's no fluid floating freely where it ought not. Some time after that, the doctors want to pull back on my drains (pull them out an inch or two and monitor the drain situation). Sometimes, the drains can suck more than catch leaks when they're in deep, so pulling them out a little might actually help the pancreas to heal a little better.

After being in here so long, I have made getting home my top priority instead of eating. The upcoming food trial the doctor had mentioned excited me before, because eating is just fantastic. But-- I've been here too long. I'd rather go home with TPN and wait until the pancreas is healed nicely than fail a food trial and add a couple days to my stay. After so many extensions of my stay, I am determined to be out by the newest estimation: the end of this week. I do NOT want to watch the Super Bowl from the hospital. Imagine: close game, 4th quarter, and someone walks in to take vitals. No. No. A thousand times, no.

My mom's here today; we walked outside again to the fountains. I have found that using my cane as well as the IV pole (well, I could even do without the pole) works very nicely to keep me from wobbling back and forth when I walk. I miss my wife. I've talked to her a few times today, which is nice, but-- well, you married people know what I'm talking about. It's not the same.

Pray for the usuals:
drain stoppage
wisdom for the doctors
Ash and I as we're separated for a few days

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