Thursday, March 21, 2013

Movin' and groovin'

That's what the baby is doing right now: movin' and groovin'. I am attempting to do the opposite. I'm tired!

I think I've meant to update this blog for a few months, but alas, you've all had to wait 3 months for news. Maybe that should point to how busy this household has been.

Dan is still teaching away and helping middle schoolers figure out formulas and basic theology. His students love him, and he really likes his job.
I actually have a new job, which came along in timing only God could orchestrate. My doctor wasn't thrilled with me still working on the floor after a couple of incidents, but I couldn't imagine being on disability from January to May. Just before Christmas, my manager and the Clinical Nurse Educator on our unit recommended me for a position as an Oncology RN in the office of a couple of oncologists in our area. The practice is still connected to the hospital organization, so I didn't have to restart benefits or buy new uniforms. It is the type of job that I have been aiming for since nursing school, so it was huge opportunity and blessing. I interviewed in early January and started the second week of January...they moved fast. The position is Monday-Friday and (theoretically) 8-5pm...I am rarely home before 6:30pm.  I also don't have to work holidays or weekends! My new manager has been especially flexible with OB appts and such.
I am training with the other RN in the practice who helped get the practice running and keeps the practice running. She seriously handles such an enormous amount of work that I am bewildered to imagine myself doing it. There have been hiccups in training and I am being stretched a LOT. Going from being an experienced and trusted RN on the oncology unit to being very new and green and having to build trust all over again. I feel like this is where God wants me to be, but I am exhausted.  I am still learning, which is requiring eating a lot of humble pie. Outpatient is a different world from inpatient. It is crazy. As hard as it is, I do love my patients. They make the hours and tears worth it.
(Pray that I can learn well and fast and gain the trust of the other RN, the doctors and my patients. Also pray for endurance for me...I'm not too great at feeling new and lost again!)

Dan's last CT showed no evidence of new disease...but it did remind us that Dan's spleen is getting a little out of control. Because of some of Dan's treatments, his liver is congested and the blood flow is getting backed up to the spleen. His spleen, in turn, is munching up his blood cells. Dan's immune system is being sustained with twice-weekly injections and his platelets (the blood clotting army) are running on fumes. In the words of Dan's favorite doctor at Stanford: his "spleen is now bigger than his liver and is asking for a smack-down."
Said smack-down will be coming in the form a partial embolization of his spleen this summer. The goal is to shut part of the spleen's overeating and let Dan's blood counts bounce back up. There are risks: infection, lots of pain, the need for removal of the whole spleen, hemorrhage, etc. At this point, though, this is our best option.
Dan will be in the hospital at least overnight, on pain killers for a little while, and out of heavy lifting commission for a bit. Oh, did we mention this will be about a month after our family grows by one little person? Yes, we are crazy.
(Please pray for safety for Dan, wisdom for Dr. Sze and smooth sailing...oh, and that the procedure is successful!)

We are now 30 weeks 6 days along, and the baby man is growing great. His anatomy scan in January looked good with no anomalies noted. I am measuring right on track, though everyone insists that I look small still. Trust me, I don't feel small. And yes, I know I will get bigger.
Since we've been praying for this pregnancy for a long time, I try not to complain...but this isn't always fun! Ha. I'm positive, though, that the heartburn and backaches and fainting will be well worth it in the long run.
Baby man has a name, but we are keeping it a surprise until his birth-day. Don't worry, it's a strong, traditional name.
We have had one baby shower so far, hosted by Auntie Lisa, Auntie Jessica and Grandma Jamie. We were blessed with essentials and goodies. Dan says that the baby will at least be warm, fed and well-clothed.
In 3 weeks, we'll head up to the northern regions for two more showers...we are well loved!
(Pray with us for safety in delivery, a healthy baby boy and a healthy mama.)

We got a new car! Our Hondas were beginning to act up intermittently, and though safe enough for us to drive in, I wasn't thrilled about driving the baby around in them. So, we bought a 2010 Toyota Highlander a couple of weeks ago. It was the biggest check we've ever written, but it's a great car.

For  the next nine weeks, we'll just keep chugging along. Working, going to birthing classes, trying to keep up with friends and family, and getting our home and hearts ready for baby man. I'll try really hard to update more least post one more blog before one with baby pictures!

Thanks for the support and love and prayers. Keep it up :)