Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Sunday

Not as high-scoring as everyone thought, but I do remember that the Colts' last Super Bowl win was won on defense, not offense. This time, the game was won by New Orleans by not their offense, not their defense, not their special teams, but by the coaching staff. If you're going to beat the Colts, here's what you do: don't give Peyton Manning the ball. In the 2nd quarter, the Colts ran only 6 plays, and 3 of them were conservative runs to avoid a safety or turnover deep in their own end. Then, at the beginning of the half, the Saints surprisingly onside kicked it and got it, once again, not giving Manning the ball. Sure, it really helped that they picked off a pass in the 4th quarter and ran it back for a TD, but that was not a game-ender. Yes, I wanted the Colts, but I'm not too disappointed with the results; the Saints earned it and deserved it. Anyway, it was a good game, in spite of mostly disappointing commercials and a really annoying Saints fan who felt it necessary to bring a tambourine to the game and bang it before every Colts play. Oh, and I hate CBS. Stands for Creativity's Been Sapped. And the Who put on a show that was awesome at some parts and sloppy at others. It may be time to put some youth back on stage for the halftime show.
So- my drains might be going back down? It's hard to tell. They're more than I'd like, to be sure. I'd love so much to be able to eat. This was the first time in a while where I didn't go to a proper Super Bowl party, but I don't think I would have really liked being around all that food without being able to eat it. I'm getting really tired of being hooked up to things all the time. I'm glad to be out of the hospital, but I'm still frustrated being tied down to my wound vac and my TPN. I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow at Stanford; he had mentioned before that he might pull out the drains, which might be helpful to slow them down (because they may be sucking more than catching). Ashley unfortunately leaves tomorrow evening to return Thursday morning. I will miss her. She's been super helpful and she's a little piece of real home. But nursing school calls. She's going to be an amazing nurse. She already is; just missing her license. I'm a little tired. Sleep comes easier here but it still doesn't come easy.

Pray for:
Drain Stoppage! Now!
Good doctor visit
Safe travels to LA for Ash
Wound healing

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