Saturday, February 20, 2010

The drains stopped? But hold on...

The drains stopped. Basically. But put away the champagne for now. Here's the qualifier.
Yesterday, the drains put out over 500 mL. That's a record for me. I e-mailed my doctor yesterday, showing some concern. His new plan was to change the bulbs from sucking to catching. To give you an idea, the fluid is collected in bulbs (actually referred to as 'grenades' because they look like... grenades). Normally, the bulbs are squeezed when they are emptied to provide some suction. Now, the doctor wants to leave them unsqueezed so they just accept whatever fluid comes.

No drainage could be a good thing or a bad thing.

It could mean the pancreas was ok this whole time and was just being picked on by the overbearing drains, sucking its soul into a grenade.
It could also mean the fluid is going somewhere else. It is likely going into the bowel, because according to radiology, the track left by my drain (after being pulled out a few inches) is walled off, like concrete. However, it could also be forming a fluid collection in my abdominal cavity, which is not a good thing. So if I develop a fever or abdominal pain, that's probably what it is, and that would be a complication I do not want. A CT on my Monday appointment will bring the verdict.
Also on my Monday appointment, the doctor will be switching my grenades for bags, which are more suitable for catching fluid than the grenades (and they will be clean, too- mine have not been changed, and they are pretty grody). I may or may not have my drains pulled on; it will depend on the CT results. He will also change my wound vac, which is complicated right now:
The vertical part has the wound vac in it, because it is still big (though not as big since my dad placed some sutures in it). The horizontal part doesn't have a wound vac on it because of the sutures which are closing it up, and it should heal openly rather than under a seal of the vacuum. But since they're connected, it's hard to get a seal. So... some problems, but none too big.
I'm having a good day today. I like being with Ashley. She makes life more colorful. I will be sad when she drives the Big Drive back to school tomorrow. I really hope I can go home next week.

Please pray:
That the drains are stopped for the right reason
That there are no complications that mean I can't go home
For travel safety for Ash
That my wound heals up nicely
That I won't get a collection in my abdominal cavity
That, if I go on a food trial soon, my pancreas can handle it and I can go off of TPN

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