Friday, January 8, 2010


So, we have hit the 8 hour mark of the surgery. The latest update?

"Everything is just fine. We're in the middle of the surgery. Many hours left to go."


After being told that the surgery would take about 8 hours and being told they're "in the middle" at 8 hours, I am pretty uneasy. I have so many questions to ask of the surgeon, but he's busy in the surgery...of course. The person updating us is the receptionist who is not allowed to give real details.

Is the surgery going longer because of complications? Bleeding? Vital signs?
Has the surgeon changed his mind about something?
Did they find more tumors to remove?
Will this mean Dan has to be in the ICU for a longer period of time?
How many hours is many?

I hate having no way to get my questions answered!

You'll know when I know.

Prayer Requests:
* Guidance for the doctors.
* Safe surgery: no complications or problems
* That Dan's body will endure the surgery and recover more quickly than the doctors expect
* That I would be able to stay the night with Dan wherever he is.
* That those of us in the waiting room will have strength and endurance
* That God will comfort my fears and concerns

1 comment:

  1. Ashley you don't know me (I'm an OLD friend of your parents) but I wanted to let you know that I am praying for you and for Dan. For Dan ,of course, TOTAL healing and for you, peace that passes all understanding and strength for tomorrow (and the day after, and the day after that,... :) !!!!) I am thankful that we know the GREAT PHYSICAN!!
    much love, Dawne Cardinalli
