Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Address

For some reason I didn't want to say for sure that Dan was being transferred until he really moved (I'm just a little stitious). Today, I can officially say, Dan is out of ICU! He is now in the transplant/surgery unit in a semi-private room with a very talkative neighbor. He and Dan talk over the curtain pretty often. They both had fevers last night, so they decided to turn down the thermostat...I froze but they were happy!

I was able to stay the night last night and will continue to do so as long as I get the "right" nurses. Apparently there is a charge nurse who might kick me out, but we'll see what happens. Perhaps, I can be persuasive. I had to be creative to make my "bed" out of two chairs, a pillow and some sheets. Yet, it felt nice to be able to help Dan at night time.

More excitingly, Dan went on his first walk last night. He did phenomenally! He said it hurt, but felt great to get up and moving. He went twice as far as most patients do on their first trek and impressed the nurses. His abdominal muscles have been spasming on and off due to trauma and lack of use, so he wants to walk as much as possible today.

Dan had a fever all day yesterday and it spiked last night up to 104. Around 2am, his fever broke! He's still a little warm, but walking around definitely helped. His pain is more under control, but the PCA had to be increased again. We'll ask the rounding team about getting an extra pain med ordered just in case.

Plan for the day: walk around a lot, clean up, and maybe find a sleeper chair for me.

Prayer Requests:
* Pain management
* No complications or infection
* Rest for Dan and myself
* Good reports from the doctor
* Continued improvement

1 comment:

  1. This is all sounding very encouraging! Thanks for taking the time, Ashley, to keep us all updated! I know it's a fair amount of work. Good to see the prayers are working! We'll keep them up!
