Friday, January 29, 2010

Another week?

The doctors must be getting tired. They arrive later and later every day. Today, McGreeky didn't arrive until nearly 11am, when Dan very kindly told him that he had hat head. The doc was in-between cases, so it was nice of him to come by and check things out.

Amazingly, he says that Dan is looking at one more week. Honestly, that is the 3rd or 4th time we've heard that, so who knows. Yesterday, it was 5 days. Today, it's a week. Tomorrow? Maybe he'll go backwards and decide on 3 days. Ha.

Anyway, he wants to change the wound vac tomorrow and Monday, while watching the drain output. He wants to "reassess" on Monday and probably try feeding Dan for a couple days. If the drain output stays the same, Dan gets to go home and eat! If the output goes up again, Dan will be have to re-cycle the TPN before going home. So, Dan could be home by Wednesday or Friday...but we have certainly heard that before.

To make matters worse, McGreeky is consulting a surgeon (McChief) who changes his mind a lot and could develop a new plan. (I'm not being impertinent or disrespectful; McGreeky actually told us that the other surgeon "changes his mind every day, so we don't really know, but I'll go with his advice.") We plan on asking McGreeky if "the plan" is changing or not, because it gets pretty old hearing his plans and then hearing them change due to another opinion. Of course, he keeps reminding us that dealing with this problem is, I'm hoping McGreeky sticks to his guns this time.

I think something has clicked in our minds that we can do absolutely nothing about getting Dan out of here. The nurses really don't think he needs to be here (nor some of the doctors), but I'm not sure we'll ever hear, "You can go home today" from McGreeky. Even when goals are met, new goals are made to delay discharge. Dan feels good, but it must be discouraging to not be able to get out of here even after great improvement.

So, I'm driving to LA on Sunday, then flying up north again Tuesday night. It's my last semester of nursing school, so I have to actually go (Dan's doctor seemed glad that I was coming back, so maybe I haven't bugged him too badly yet). I'm hoping, I'll be able to drive Dan out of Stanford before I go back to school again.

Let's just pray that Dan is home for the Superbowl...9 days.

Prayer Requests:
* The surgeon feels confident to trust his decision-making and actually commit to a "plan"
* Dan's release from the hospital...4 weeks is a LOT different than 10 days
* Complete drying up of drains (I mean NOTHING)
* Improvement of wound
* Successful feeding trial--no increase in drain output at all while eating
* Cooperative/flexible professors to allow me to keep spending time up north
* Dan going home to La Mirada SOON (before I begin clinicals on Feb 17)

* Dan feels fine
* Families being helpful and coming to visit
* Financial security
* Ability to fly back and forth

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