Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Not a whole lot has changed today, but things are finally starting to make some progress.

The day began with an ambush by the residents at 0620 wanting to change the wound dressing, followed by the charge nurse telling us that we had to pack up our stuff and be moved to another room by 0730. Fun. We had been warned that we were moving to a new room eventually because all of the rooms are getting new TVs and Dan's room was one of the last to be modified. So, I packed up our stuff and my sleepy husband and moved to a new address down the hall. Everyone was busy at shift change, so I had move it all by myself--even the bed! But, I got to keep my sleeper couch, which makes up for the work.

The doctors finally decided to put the wound vac (the sucker for the wound) on Dan's wound today. Everything went fine, though Dan said it hurt quite a bit from the intense suction. He is slowly getting used to it. McGreeky was very confident that the wound vac would greatly speed healing. We certainly hope so.

Also, Dan's hematocrit dropped a teensy bit more today. The doctors believe that his marrow is having a hard time recuperating from the stress of surgery and blood loss. Accordingly, McGreeky has agreed to give Dan a blood transfusion (RBCs and fresh frozen plasma) to give his system a boost. Dan's been pretty tired today, but after some blood and a higher calorie TPN mix, he should feel almost great tonight.

We are getting used to our new room, which has a good view of the helicopter landing pad. A few friends even came to visit to help break it in. Thanks, Grant and Lise!

Now, we just have to keep ourselves occupied until things really turn around and Dan can get out of here. Dan's drains have decreased today, but we need to keep them decreasing permanently! At discharge (which seems like another week away), Dan has to go to his parents' house in Lodi for at least a week. We're both bummed about this because it means I will be living alone in our apartment for a while until Dan can come home. My professors are only making me do a couple days a week for the next two weeks so I can be up north with Dan. Lodi isn't home for him, but it will be better than the hospital!

Prayer Requests:
* Continued decrease of drain output...permanently!
* Efficacy of the wound vac
* Safe tranfusions today
* Confidence for the surgeon so Dan can leave the hospital earlier than expected
* Drastic improvement (we're talking huge enough that the surgeons are surprised)
* Release before I have to go to Biola, so I can help him get settled :)

* New TV?
* Wound vac!
* Drain decrease (at least a little)
* Understanding professors
* God's power and love
* Transfusion

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