Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tentative Tuesday

Not much has changed since yesterday. NG is still draining, bowel sounds are still present but quiet, and not much is passing through. On a good note, Dan's belly pain is gone (unless an unruly resident presses too hard).

McGreeky came in and told us he has put Dan on the tentative surgery schedule for Tuesday. He still doesn't want to do surgery, but feels like it's nearly inevitable. The final decision will be made after the results of Dan's GI study (he'll drink some contrast and they'll take x-rays every hour or so to see how far the contrast goes in the small bowel) are seen. The GI study i scheduled to start ASAP today or tomorrow morning, but radiology is pretty slow on Sundays.

We've been told the surgery isn't complicated, but will still involve a new incision in Dan's belly and risk of infection and more adhesions. To date, Dan hasn't had a surgery without complications before, so we're hoping this surgery will be the first quick-healing-no-complication-fix-the-problem-without-making-more-problems surgery.

Obviously, our prayer is that Dan wouldn't need surgery at all, but the requirement for that is for Dan's GI study to be "stone cold normal." Accordingly, that would only be in God's domain of healing. God is powerful and can heal Dan in a second, it's just a matter of whether or not that is in His will to do. We cannot coerce God to do anything, but we can plead and plead until He gets tired of hearing us and grants our request. As there are probably hundreds of people praying everywhere, I'm hoping God is getting close!

Today we wait. My parents are visiting after church to bring me some more food for my "hospital pantry" and just to say hello for a while. Otherwise, we just wait.

Prayer Request:
* Completely normal GI study showing complete resolution of obstruction
* No need for surgery...miraculously
* If surgery: no complications, no infection, no muscle problems, no digestion problems
* A week of healing and successful recovery
* Ability for Dan to go home with me very soon...and not return to the hospital for A LONG TIME
*Lots of encouraging and excellent news to report this week

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