Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Good news fills my stomach again

Right now, I am sitting at a table in my parents' house in Lodi. I was discharged from the hospital today--tonight I will be at my apartment. God has once again turned mourning into dancing- well, except I still can't dance THAT much.

Last night, after watching The Express and finding out that it is one of my new favorite football movies (and if it's accurate, Ernie Davis and I had the same number in high school), I slept pretty well as far as hospitals go. I just got woken up by people who felt like they needed to check my levels or whatnot. Interestingly, my nurse was an E3 nurse (I stayed my month on E3) that I had had before. Anyway, eventually the doctor came in and said that things looked good, so I could go home. Also, since the last two aides who had come in to empty my drain did not do so because it was EMPTY (aka, the drains... are... stopping?), the doctor did not do the painful procedure of pulling my drain another inch, but instead said he'd like to remove it altogether in about a week! I am all for that.
Not so long ago, I was not eating, I had two drains that were pumping out much too much fluid, I had a PICC line, and I had a painful wound. Now, I am eating, I only have one drain and it's barely doing anything, the PICC is gone (freeing up my arms), and my wound is less painful. I thank God for finally turning this around.
So yeah, my parents and I are headed down to LA tonight. There was an issue with the antibiotics prescribed; they are apparently really expensive, so most insurances, including mine, don't cover it. So we're waiting on the doctor to either write up an approval statement or prescribe something else. We'll figure it out.

Anyway, I'm just very glad I can spend my birthday tomorrow with my wife. :)

Pray for:
my body to keep accepting food and be able to recover weight
insurance issues to pan out
safe travel
no more setbacks
thankfulness for all the good news

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