Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween/Indian Birthday/Reformation Day

So, we made it to Halloween with very little pomp. No pumpkins this year, no kids trick-or-treating at our door. We just have so much going on that we figured a day of homework and a scary movie with friends would be great. We ended up watching The Ring with the Wyatts...I hate scary movies. Especially the ones with scary little kids. Eek.

Anywho, on our way home, I peeked my head in the open door of our next door neighbors. I had heard them yell, "Surprise!" earlier and wanted to see what was up. I should have known better because within seconds I was pulled inside to pile up a plate of Indian food. Our neighbors (Abraham and Sangeetha) are from India, have an incredible testimony and are the most gracious and hospitable people I have ever known. Dan and I must look starving...they always want to feed us!
After putting together a plate of food (I was told it's Northern Indian cuisine this time), Sangeetha and her friend put tons more food in baggies for lunch tomorrow. My goodness, my fridge has been overtaken by food with names I cannot even pronounce!
Once the food was gathered, one of the party guests asked Dan about teaching in America and standards and such. In the midst of this conversation, Abraham began to snore. He didn't just doze off, he fell dead asleep! We laughed with his wife and friends as they took pictures of his untimely nap. Finally, we were able to sneak out of the apartment...but not before a piece of cake was put in our hands, too!

Now, we are home. A full day of work behind us and an extra hour of sleep ahead of us. I will leave you with my favorite conversation of the day:

Ash: Happy Reformation Day!
Dan: Happy day of the first wall write!
Ash: What?
Dan: Martin Luther, he posted something on the wall.
(For those of you who get this, bravo. Oh, Facebook.)


  1. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther launched the Protestant Reformation when he nailed his 95 Theses on the Wittenberg church door.

  2. I want neighbors who give me tons and tons of food! I love it:)
