Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Home at last ... hoping to stay

Today, I drove down with my mom to LA so that I could finally live at my real home with my wife. It was a long drive, and it was a little uncomfortable at times, but we made it. I was surprised by our friends Sam and Titus blowing up balloons. Titus is 3. He picked out the balloons. There was way too much crap in the car, and it took a while to get everything put away, but we finally did it. Well, Ashley did it. She's hardcore like that. It was really good to see her again. I hope I can stay.

One of the things the doctor cautioned against as a possible deterrent to me going home was a fever. As luck would have it, last night I was putting up a high of 100.7. Ashley thought I wouldn't be able to come at all, but I called the doctor in the morning to make sure. He said it was ok, so long as my fever didn't break 101, where I might have to go to the hospital or back up north. He also put me on some antibiotics to try and combat whatever infection I might have. Hopefully, my fever will go away and I can stay here. As I type this, I'm at 99.5--still a fever but better than 100.
Some good news: the doctor wants to get me eating. I think he'd rather me not have a fever when that happens, so I'm not eating yet, but hopefully soon. I'm not sure how this will affect the drains; they are still putting out a lot. Who knows, maybe eating will stop the drains! Wishful thinking, but we're waiting and seeing. As usual.

It's really nice to just sit on the couch, just me and Ash. I've missed that. I can't wait until this is all over and we can just sit on the couch together.

Pray for:
drain stoppage
staying home with Ash long-term
wound healing
being able to eat well

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