Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Drain drain

Hi everybody. It really has been a while, comparatively (because if you compare January on with everything before, it really hasn't been that long). Just wanted to give you an update since there is news.
Ash and I are leaving tomorrow to go to Stanford again. This Thursday could be my last appointment in a while (we're talking multiple weeks). It's really early, but the Sizelove family continues to be awesome and let us stay at their place. What will happen are a few things: the doctor will remove my last drain because it is not giving out much fluid at all, even though I'm eating full-time (YES), he will look at my wound, and we will discuss future options. I'm really excited to be done with drains. Like, really excited. It's starting to smell really bad and it's always been a pain to lug around and sleep next to and it's just time for it to go. My wound is healing, but still has a way to go. There's a little problem because the wound is a little small for the wound vac, which means that sometimes the sponge inside spills over onto my skin and really irritates it, so we go back to dressing it with gauze until it gets better and there's just a long cycle. Right now, we're being cautious with the skin and dressing it with gauze. As for future options, there is some kind of procedure planned for maybe a couple weeks. It's outpatient, so not too big. They want to cut off the blood supply to one side of my liver, so the tumor-less side has to work harder and therefore grow more, while the tumor-filled side will shrink. It was supposed to be done in the first surgery, but if you remember from the beginning, the surgery took 15 hours and there was no time.

Otherwise, things have been really good. We went to the store today and got some food that I'm excited about, and I ran into a teacher at the high school where I did my observation during the fall. I've been trying to get back into the swing of things around the apartment, like doing dishes and little things to help Ashley as she digs herself out of her homework mountain. I have also been playing a lot of football on my PS3, which is fun. And my parents have just gone to Israel for a couple weeks. Anyway, life is good. I'm eating. God is good. There's a lot of journey left for us, and we're going to be leaning on Him for the rest of it. Peace to you all.

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