So, we didn't blog yesterday. I was busy writing a paper all day, and Dan didn't really feel like it. However, don't feel like you missed a lot.
Dan had an x-ray yesterday and it looked a little better than the previous one. McGreeky came in and told us that a few loops of the bowel are still distended, but that the distention is decreasing (Thurs: 6cm diameter, Sat: 4 cm, Normal: less than 3cm). The obstruction is still there, but hopefully it is beginning to resolve. When we asked about what the obstruction is, McGreeky said there is really no way to tell just from a CT. However, the main options are still surgical adhesions or an internal hernia. Regardless, the plan of care remains the same: wait patiently for as long as possible. Though the obstruction could be fixed through surgery, Dan is not a good surgical candidate right now. Accordingly, McGreeky (and the other surgeons consulted) do not want to be hasty about making this a surgical issue.
(My blogging was interrupted by a victorious Dan announcing the passing of gas! Normally, we wouldn't post this, but it has been a prayer request. So, that means this is a praise!)
The NG drainage is still a lot, but is thin and light which encourages the doctors.
(My blogging is again interrupted by the doctors coming in.)
Between the NG output being light and the passing of gas, McGreeky has decided to put the NG to gravity with a drainage bag for a day to see how Dan does. If he can stay the day without being nauseous or vomiting, they'll start giving him fluids tomorrow. If not, they'll put the NG back to suction for a couple days. Once the diet keeps advancing, it will be the true test to make sure Dan can tolerate the food and that the food goes all the way through the system. An x-ray tomorrow will determine whether or not the NG gets pulled all the way out. So, it's a big day tomorrow.
I am unfortunately leaving for school today and won't be back until Tuesday night. Hopefully, I will be missing some exciting events so that when I get back, Dan will be eating a bit. It will be nice to get some school work done and to gather more clean clothes from home. It will be even nicer to get back to a happier, healthier Dan!
Luckily, Dan is able to talk better with the NG tube, so he can communicate to the nurses without me around. Also, he knows the signs to alert the nurses to quickly. He's a smart guy, so I trust he will be intelligent about his care. He wants himself to get better even more than I want him to get better! Though, somethings
will be more difficult without me here--washing up, motivation to walk around, asking questions of the doctors, and remembering what the doctor says. It really isn't a matter of preference for Dan to want me here, it is actually very helpful for both the doctors and my husband. Sure, we can be apart when necessary, but when my professors are working with me so patiently and ensuring my graduation, why wouldn't I want to be with Dan?
Anyway, this has the potential to be a very exciting day or a very disappointing day depending upon what happens with Dan's GI system. We are hoping and praying this is indeed the turning point for Dan's recovery.
Prayer Requests:* Complete resolution of the obstruction without the need for surgery
* Continuation of passing gas, bowel sounds, etc.
* No further complications!
* No nausea or vomiting or increased belly pain
* Safe travels for me (and the girls driving me down to school
* Peace and confidence in the doctors for Bob and Jamie
* Wisdom for the doctors to watch the progression
* Successful food trial this week
* Ability for Dan to come home with me very soon!
* Good news and encouragement for the rest of this hospital stay...may it be short!