Saturday, January 30, 2010

We've already discussed this.

Well, it took me 3 weeks but I got a mild scolding from McGreeky. With everyone wanting to know a solid plan, it falls to me to do the questioning. Apparently, he is getting tired of it. He has been very patient, though, so his firm "we have already discussed this several times" didn't sting as much. To my credit, we have heard 2 different plans for the past couple weeks and we just want to know which one he's working with today!

Anyway, Dan's doing well today. The residents are all taking a huge test today, so doctors didn't bother us until 0930. Whoa. McGreeky and the nurse changed the wound vac again, and he was very pleased with the progress. He's making some modifications to the suction and sponges to help Dan's wound begin to contract. This is certainly a large step in the right direction.
The drains have decreased dramatically. The past few days totals: 250, 140, 120, 110, 85-ish. They MUST continue to decrease in this fashion for Dan to be able to eat. Labs have been ordered for every other day now and antibiotics might be discontinued tomorrow or Monday.

As for the "plan" I got in trouble for asking about, McGreeky really wants to do a feeding trial before Dan goes home. Accordingly, he wants to see the drains continue to decrease in output, let Dan eat a couple of days (Monday, maybe), then see what happens. Just like before, if the output stays the same, Dan is free to go home and eat. If the output increases, he has to spend a couple days "in-house" waiting for the TPN to start again. Either way, the surgeon says he should be home by end of next week.

For McGreeky's safety, I hope he lets Dan out before the Superbowl. Dan might get violent :)

Today will be spent with our sisters, Lise and Laura. They drove all the way up from SoCal yesterday to see Dan and I. So fun to spend time with people who don't live or work in the hospital. I'll be driving back with them tomorrow afternoon (I'm happy and sad about this, of course).

Prayer Requests:
* Release from the hospital earlier than the docs think (before Feb 7th)
* Decrease in drain output to nothing!
* Continued healing of the wound
* Feeding trial to begin on Monday and be very successful (no increase in output)
* Safe travels for me tomorrow and Tuesday night
* Comfort when we're apart
* Patience for McGreeky (too bad, buddy, we're asking questions)
* Confidence for Dan to go home to La Mirada soon :)

* Wound healing
* Progress and improvement
* Good friends visiting (Lise and Laura!)
* A mighty God

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