Saturday, January 16, 2010


It's official. Dan is a hottie.

He has had a fever every day of his stay at the hospital. Most of them are low-grade, but they are pesky. The docs believe they stem his incision infection and possibly his liver's activity. As long as it doesn't rise above 38.5 C, they're just watching him. No signs of a liver abcess or UTI, so that's good.

McGreeky said he can take out one of Dan's 3 drains today and possibly (not likely) take out another tomorrow. Just waiting on how the output looks. The surgeon seemed pleased with Dan's recovery thus far and is considering sending him home...tomorrow! I don't want to get too excited yet, but it would be nice to get outta here. Dan will be going home with at least 1 drain and a rather large wound to pack and dress. Maybe I should get clinical credit for this!

Dan's muscles are getting kinda sore from keeping his abdomen safe. Maybe he could get a massage today. Other than that, he feels pretty well. Not needing pain meds very often at all!

Thanks for praying. We have a good God.

Prayer Requests:
* Resolution of infection and fevers
* Removal of 2 drains (Dan hates them!)
* Continued endurance and strength for Dan
* Safe discharge home tomorrow (Guidance for the docs)


  1. Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm praying for you both! Looking forward to updates:)

  2. bahahahaha! k, i read the most recent one (monday) and skimmed the others...but this one made me laugh the most. love you guys! see you soon.
    - Lise
