No PET yet because insurance took forever to authorize it. It finally got scheduled for this Thursday (3/15). As a reminder, the PET scan may not clarify things as much as we'd like. Since the test shows increased of metabolism, so things with high metabolic needs will light up. Types of things that light up include: tumors OR infections. Good grief. Anyway, depending on how much things light up, the oncologist and interventional radiologist decide what to biopsy. Only a biopsy will actually tell us what is going on and that is several weeks away.
Dan wrote to his doctor up at Stanford who has been with us through every piece of Dan's cancer journey and sent a copy of the CT scan. The doc said he is "cautiously optimistic" about the results. He obviously can't tell what everything is just from a picture on the screen but said that the lymph nodes were actually present on previous scans (surprise?). Also, he said that the liver is looking pretty good to him. The only thing that bothered him was the area on the lung. He is fairly comfortable saying that it doesn't look like metastasis, but was sure to tell us he cannot be positive.
So, cautiously optimistic is our motto for now.
In other news, tomorrow we meet a new doctor...the fertility specialist. It would have been nice to tell you that between the last post and this post that we don't need this doctor's advice, but alas...It will just be a consultation and discussion of financial expectations. Hopefully, the doctor will shed some light on our options and give us some hope in the area of starting a family. Since loans are paid off, we won't be waiting long to start the early stages of treatment. It's still strange to think about what will be involved (medications, tests, invasions of privacy, etc.). Even a little scary, to be honest.
One step at a time!
Prayer Requests:
1. PET scan that shows NOTHING lighting up
2. Biopsy results that show NO MORE CANCER
3. A good doctor's appointment that gives hope and excitement!
4. Provision for financial expectations of fertility treatments
5. A baby with our good looks, Dan's intelligence, my communication skills, Clifford confidence and the Howen musical abilities! Ha. (Or, just the baby God wants us to raise for Him)
6. Peace and hope and peace
7. A stronger, even healthier marriage :)
Thank you for the non-news update. It's nice to have news, even if it's non-news. We're pulling and praying for you!