Wednesday, January 10, 2018

A man of few words

There is a reason that I am the primary blogger and updater of our relationship. 
Dan is a man of few words. He prefers to keep things short and sweet. 
(That's why he married me, right? Short joke on myself!)

Now, if you get him talking about football or math formulas or some other choice nerdy topics, he can elaborate for hours.

If, however, you want an update of his health or his feelings...his answers will be concise.

(Example: When asked how he felt on his wedding day? "Happy." That's it. One word.)

Considering this attribute of my husband, I find it both perfect and infuriating that his latest oncologist tends to communicate with LESS words than Dan himself. Typically, when reporting on a routine scan or test, we will get an email saying something like:

"MRI ok."
"Liver spot unchanged from last scan."
"Scan looks fine."

Not exaggerating. Dan thinks this is great. I think this is ridiculous. 
(This nurse wife needs information! Give me measurements and hypotheses and detailed findings! Give me the actual lab values!)

Yet, sometimes, the doctor's lack of verbosity can communicate exactly what we need to hear.

"The biopsy did not show any cancer, good news of course. We'll schedule a video or office visit in a couple months."

That's that. 

After months of worrying about new tumor growth and thinking about what this could mean for Dan's health and treatment needs, these two sentences felt like a rush of fresh air. 

I still want to know what these spots are and have already pressed the doctor for more information. 
And, I will still be checking the clouds periodically for the next shoe to fall.


"The biopsy did not show any cancer."

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Thank you for the prayers and concerns and support that so many of you have shown since we found out about the new spots.
Please continue with us in prayer for many more years of health and surprising good news.

(Yes, it is ironic that I spent so many words talking about how few words Dan and his doctor use. I like words, alright?)