In other news, I am apparently terrible at keeping up with this blog. Perhaps, that is because I have more important, more fun, more difficult and more time-consuming things to do! Basically, writing updates here has slid down my to-do list quite a bit. BUT. I'm here now.
Baby News:
Our baby is no longer a baby. He is a bonafide toddler. Abe turned one in May and has proceeded to get faster and smarter since then. He's running and investigating and testing limits. He is throwing temper tantrums that we were really not ready to handle yet! I mean serious drama coming from a tiny person. Wow. Even so, we love him more and more every day. If we could just convince him to eat more and drool less...
Dan News:
He is back to work at Jim Elliot Christian High School...not teaching math. He will be teaching Bible & Media, Drama, Film, History through Film and Robotics. These were not his choices, and he is pretty bummed about not teaching math. Yet, Dan is Dan, meaning he is being flexible and diligent in his work. The last few weeks have been frustrating for him as he is creating/learning a lot of new curriculum. Additionally, his new classes have brought along too many commitments (plays to direct, films to produce, competitions to attend) for him to continue coaching football. My amazing husband is making a lot of sacrifices so that he can spend time with his little boy and his wife. He really is amazing.
Oh, and Dan is also pretty healthy. His last MRI showed no sign of active disease and his tumor markers are within normal limits. He remains on quite a few medications to keep his fluid levels normalized but no changes recently. His liver and spleen are still unhappy, causing things like mild jaundice and low blood counts. This will probably be fairly typical for a long time.
Ash News:
I am still chugging along in the stay-at-home-mom department. I do want to return to nursing eventually, but we feel that my place is here at home for the time being. I may never get an opportunity to stay home with the baby again, so I am taking advantage of it while I can.
Being in Lodi is still hard as far as friends are concerned. I am involved in a Bible study at church and we go to a couples small group, which have helped. Branching out is happening, just slowly.
My OCD is still lurking in the background with little flares occurring from time to time. Excitingly, though, I was able to wean off of my medication shortly after Abe's birthday. I feel a difference, but I also have enough coping mechanisms to stave off panic attacks most of the time. Also, I have started writing about my experiences as a way to cope with intrusive thoughts or compulsions. I haven't written much, but it felt like a good way to allow other people into an area of my life that is often kept hidden. Join me at: Shaking Hands, if you dare :)
Family News:
We just returned from a Clifford Family Reunion in Boston this weekend. So much laughter, so many Cliffords! My brother got engaged while there in Boston, so we had a lot to celebrate. It was a fun trip, but we are glad to be home. Especially, Abe, our teething and cranky monster man.
Bob and Jamie are currently in Germany visiting with friends and their "German daughter", Steffi. I'm secretly hoping that she stows away in their luggage!
As the summer draws to a close, there is much going on in the world that brings me to pause in sharing an update of this nature. Christians are being systematically slaughtered by ISIS. Unrest is constant between Israel and Palestine. Ebola is attacking West Africa. People are starving and alone. Unborn babies are being killed daily. The list truly does go on and on. I am feel utterly helpless in regards to these major world issues.
God is mighty to save.
May He act soon.
Prayer Requests:
- Endurance for Dan as he starts a new school year.
- Good communication between Dan and the teachers and the administration
- Continued health and stability for Dan's cancer and concurring issues
- Healthy development for our little Abe
- Patience and wisdom as we raise a little one in a very scary world
- Guidance as to when/how to expand our family
- Endurance for me here at home to help Dan as much as possible and provide love to my boys
- Comfort and protection for those suffering around the world