That being said: this little Howen family is not sending out Christmas cards this year. All you get is this silly blog post. Blame laziness, pregnancy fatigue, budget, busyness--whatever you like. As a lover of Christmas mail, I'm sorry!
To make up for it, here's an update and a bunch of pictures :)
Merry Christmas!
Abe News:
Our little man is almost 19 months old, very opinionated, always moving, choosing not to talk (but very communicative) and picky! He's on the lighter/shorter end of the growth charts, but I imagine he'll pick up speed whenever he figures out that food is not actually his enemy. As of now, he eats cheese, yogurt, cereal, fruit snacks, noodles, rice, bananas, apple sauce and cereal bars. Occasionally, we can sneak in some meat or veggies. Never bread. Seriously, he hates all things bread-like. Strange kid.
He loves to clap and "dance" and play with his Dada. Honestly, nothing trumps playing with Dada. Except, maybe water. Some kids have blankies--Abe has ice water.
He still has no idea of the little person coming into his life in the Spring, but is fascinated by babies. Hopefully, that will translate to liking a new sibling!
Ashley News:
I'm just still plugging along at home with the little guy and growing the littler baby in my belly. The nausea and headaches have finally subsided (knock on wood), leaving a nasty sweet-tooth in their wake. If I could eat Skittles and M&Ms (mixed together) all day, I would. This must be conquered before my glucose test!
Unlike last time, I am starting to have trouble with my skin, which is a bummer. I still have to check with my OB, but I'm guessing it's just a pregnancy-related rash. Itchy, itchy, itchy! And do doesn't want redness on their face all the time? Oh wait, no one does!
OCD is not doing well (see update on Shaking Hands), but the OB has started me back on my meds as of last week. They can take up to 2-3 weeks to start making a difference, if no adjustments are needed. To have fewer (or no) panic attacks, be able to eat enough food for the baby and not be such a burden on Dan would be incredible.
Dan News:
My hubby has had a bit of a rough month. First, kidney stones right before Thanksgiving, and then, a not so pleasant Christmas gift from his employer: a pink slip. After a year and a half, Dan was laid off along with 2 other employees due to budgetary reasons. The school has been having financial struggles and other problems for a little while, so I can't say that I was completely shocked to hear the news.

He is handling it very well, as he does most setbacks. He is disappointed and feeling the burden but hopeful for a new opportunity. My prayer is that he finds a position that he enjoys and one in which he is appreciated for his integrity and flexibility and intelligence. Speaking as his totally unbiased wife, his school has lost a loyal, caring, faithful, Godly, skilled teacher. Alas, things happen. I am excited to see what doors open up. God will provide as He always has.
Baby News:
We have hit the half-way mark in the pregnancy, and according to the app on my phone, the baby is about the size of a banana. We have our anatomy scan this week, so we might find out whether Abe is getting a brother or a sister. Hopefully, all is going swimmingly and this little munchkin is healthy. I love feeling the little kicks and squirms!
Prayer Requests:
* A new job for Dan with benefits
* A healthy and smooth pregnancy, resulting in a full-term healthy baby
* Successful treatment for my OCD
* Healing up of skin woes
* Healthy growth and development for Abe
* Wisdom and guidance for Dan's former school