Dan, Abe and I moved up to Lodi a few weeks ago with the help of our amazing family and friends. We are still living with Dan's very hospitable parents until our new house is "liveable". Technically, all of our belongings are in the house, though in such a state of disarray that it would make life with the little man more difficult than it needs to be. Thanks to help from my in-laws and my German sister Steffi, the baby's room is done and the kitchen is done. We have new couches (for the first time in our marriage) and I love the house more every time I am there. I'm looking forward to making it our home. Potential move-in date: this weekend. Yay again! Pictures to come later.
Dan is working hard at his new position as Bible and math teacher at Jim Elliot Christian High School. There are a lot of changes happening at the school, so it's been pretty hectic. Also, Dan is helping to coach the football team. He is stoked, but comes home pretty wiped most days.
I am working hard to set up our new home and keep baby man happy and healthy.
Abe is working hard at being adorable and growing fast. He can now roll over from tummy to back, though it takes some time. He LOVES to stand up (with our help), and he's got muscle-y legs that are ALWAYS KICKING. I cannot believe he will be 3 months old this week! We certainly love our little man, but we are tired! Someone still won't sleep through the night. We will be so very excited when this happens. Seriously.
In the health world, we could use some prayer. I hurt my back and popped out a rib again some time during the move and playing with Abe. It's getting better, but I'd like to be able to help out more with the move and be able to play more with the baby.