Though it is "old news" by now...we had the baby! Abraham Theodore Howen was born on May 22nd at 11:45am, measuring 8 lbs 5 oz and 18.5 inches. The labor and delivery didn't go quite as we had hoped or planned, but the baby was born safe and healthy. Praise God!
What was supposed to be my routine 39 week doctor appointment on the 21st led to a test with results the doctor didn't like which led to more observation in L&D. My doctor estimated that I had been in early labor for about a week and was by that point having contractions every 2 minutes. As my very frequent, strong contractions were not progressing me much at all and the baby didn't seem to like them very much, the doctor on call didn't feel safe sending us home. So, at 2 am on the 22nd, we were admitted to L&D and had my water broken.
Once we knew that it was definitely "baby day", Dan called our parents who began the trek from Northern California. We settled into the hospital room, though the bags that we had had packed for a month were still sitting at home...oops. Dan grabbed something to eat and I convinced the doctor that I didn't need IV fluids and could drink some juice. I hadn't had anything to eat or drink for 12 hours! Well, that ended up to be a stupid idea...throwing up during contractions is just not pleasant!
After 12 hours of contractions every 2 mins that were getting progressively longer but not progressing me at all, we decided something had to change. The doctor had discussed pain medications to help relax the necessary muscles, but we really wanted to avoid them. However, I wasn't the only one feeling these contractions. The baby still looked good on the monitor but not as good as he had. I became worried that the doctor would start talking c-section and didn't want to have to get general anesthesia because I hadn't had an epidural already, as I was warned this was a possibility. As much as I was disappointed, Dan and I both felt I should see if the epidural would help out.
The anesthesiologist came in around 6 am for the epidural. I was really nervous about the whole needle in my spine concept, especially when the doctor was unhappily surprised by my scoliosis. My spine is apparently curved more than I thought--so much that the epidural numbed my left side but not my right! After being flipped from side to side a few times, it began to work appropriately. Unfortunately, my blood pressure dropped enough that the machines couldn't register a value and caused a bit of panic...right at shift change. Of course. Since I was still talking to them and conscious, the anesthesiologist just reassured the nurses and wished me luck and left.
Around the time the nurse felt I was stable enough for a visitor, Lisa came and dropped off our bags and visited for a little bit. My pain was better and Dan had eaten, so we were much more pleasant to be around than we would have been a few hours before!
The nurse checked me at 9 am and I was ready to push. Pushing when numb was completely frustrating as I couldn't feel the muscles to make them cooperate. The day nurse seemed to be getting mad about my inability to push like she wanted me to, but luckily, one of my clinical instructors from Biola was working that day and gave me a lot of encouragement. Dan was also an amazing coach, never leaving my side. My mom showed up about an hour before the baby was born and rounded out my wonderful team.My doctor was on duty that day, so she stopped in to check on progress. The baby was sunny-side up, but ended up flipping at some point. He then got stuck causing the doctor to do some unpleasant maneuvering, but we avoided the vacuum or forceps!
After almost 3 hours of pushing, our big little man was born. The doctor was surprised at his size and impressed that I had carried so much baby in my little frame. It was such an odd combination of emotions that hit me when they placed him on my chest: relief, joy, shock, amazement. Dan was ecstatic, smiling from ear to ear. Abraham was warmed up and cleaned up a bit while on my chest, then taken to get measured while the doctor attended to me. Apparently, I bled quite a bit and needed pitocin for the rest of the afternoon. After the chaos of the delivery calmed, Dan and I got to just sit in awe of our new son for an hour by ourselves. Such a sweet time of getting to know each other. Abraham was awake the whole time and very interested in nursing.
Eventually, Dan went with Abraham to the nursery for his first bath and meds. Our parents and siblings came to keep me company after "meeting" the baby through the nursery windows. Once the baby made it back to my room, lots of snuggling and crying and pictures ensued. It was all Dan and I could do to just stay awake. Our little room was full of joy and love...a perfect place for Abraham to start getting used to the world.
The baby and I stayed in the hospital a couple days so the doctors could monitor my blood loss and keep an eye on Abraham's jaundice. On May 24th, my due date, we took our little man home. My mom stayed for a week to help out, and Dan's parents came the following week.
Having our baby has certainly turned our world upside down, but in a good way. I have recovered well and Abraham is gaining weight and eating like a champ. Of course we are tired, but it such a happy tired. We are very much in love with our son and are so blessed to have him.
Thank you to everyone who prayed for this little one throughout my pregnancy and even before. He is truly a miracle that I never believed could happen. Thank you also for all of the support and the gifts that have been showered on us. There is no doubt in our minds that we are loved.
Please continue to pray for our new family of three. Pray for health and growth and safety for Abraham. Pray that Dan and I become the parents that God intended for us to be. Pray for energy, endurance and patience as we learn together.
Praise the LORD for all He has done for us and our little one.
May Abraham grow to be a man of faith and righteousness and a friend of God--like his namesake.