Friday, May 10, 2013

2 Weeks Notice

In response to the growing number of people asking questions, this mass-answer is easier than repeating the same thing over and over.

Question #1: Have you had the baby?
Since people are already, there is no baby yet. I still have 2 weeks until our due date, so give little man some time! Also, May 24th is only the "estimated due date"...only God knows for sure.

Question #2: How are you feeling?
I feel like I would like to have this baby. It's not as though I am suffering some crazy amount of pain or vomiting profusely, I'm just getting tired. All those "normal" pregnancy complaints are still around (back ache, heartburn, not sleeping, contractions, blah blah blah). However, as I was told by someone while voicing these complaints, I did want to get pregnant.

Question #3: Are you ready?
Sometimes, I'd say yes and sometimes, no. I am ready to have the delivery over with and to hold our baby in my arms rather than in my belly. I'm sure there are a lot of things that will come as surprises and  we can never quite prepare for. That being said, as nervous as I am, I would not be opposed to him coming today!

Question #4: Is there anything you need?
Prayer is always good. Prayer for smooth and safe delivery. Prayer for a healthy and strong baby. Prayer that Dan and I can patiently wait for God's timing of the birth. Prayer for a smooth adjustment period in the first few weeks after baby comes home.

Question #5: Do you know what you're having?
A boy.

Question #6: What is his name?
It's a surprise. We have to wait for the baby. You have to wait for the name. (Yes, he has a name, but only Dan and I know it. Not even the grandparents know.)

All questions aside, Dan and I are very excited to welcome our little one.

Dan continues to deny any nervousness whatsoever. He has been amazing in getting everything ready. He built all the nursery furniture (except the Diaper Genie--I did that!) and has been so very patient with a wife who gets larger and slower by the day. Seriously, he thinks the waddle is endearing. He is also the car seat pro and has had it installed for a couple weeks now. Now, if I can just find a baby for him to practice diapering...

I am always nervous, so why wouldn't I be nervous now? My brain is packed with all the "what if's" and that part does drive Dan crazy. Also, I have been off work for a few weeks now (the doctor put her foot down) and I am going stir crazy. I'm sleeping in while I can, catching up on movies, getting the house ready and studying for my Oncology Certified Nurse test. Thankfully, Lise came over to help get the nursery ready and keep me company for a bit. I'm currently thinking of who else to pester!

Alright, that's honestly all that's happening currently. The doctor is happy with my measurements, though impressed that so much baby has found room in my very short torso. I'll see the doc weekly until baby is born...hopefully, there won't be too many more appointments!

Thanks for the prayers and excitement.