I am taking a break from cleaning the apartment to write an important service announcement:
Ah, it feels good to say that. Dan is at graduation practice at the moment, while I'm stuck cleaning the mess we allowed to accumulate during finals week. Oh, and I'm also waiting to let the bug guy in to spray our pipes again.
Do we have ants? No. Spiders? Some. Cockroaches? Oh yes.
A couple weeks ago, a bunch of nursing girls came over to watch Pearl Harbor. Monique went to the bathroom, closed the door and I realized I had forgotten to warn everyone about the huge bugs. Oops. As I'm warning everyone else, shrieking and squealing comes from the bathroom. The door flies open and Monique's got her hands over her head, waving at the air. A cockroach had jumped from the ceiling on to her head. Good grief. I'm surprised she still comes to the apartment!
So, Dan and I are finding a few a day in the bathroom. Yesterday, I found one under the kitchen table upside down, playing with some lint. Fabulous. I hate bugs. Dan has gotten incredible at killing them. He's contemplating catching a couple in a jar and letting the duel.
Hopefully, the bug guy will get here before my parents do. Mom had a cockroach land in her hair last time she was here. Oy.
In other news, we are so excited to be done with school for the year. Nursing school piled on the work this semester, so this feeling of relief is extraordinary. As the weeks have passed, I've complained to Dan about how much I'd like to graduate now instead of next year. Yet, last night, I went to Pinning (nursing graduation) and was shocked at how sad some of the graduates were. Slowly, it settled into my heart that graduation means saying goodbye to some of your closest friends. The thought of not seeing these incredible men and women from my nursing class every day is nearly unthinkable. I am thrilled to be a nurse, but scared to say goodbye.
Dan is in the midst of the same dilemma. He's done with undergraduate studies, yet he is through at Biola. As graduation is closing in, he's really parceling out his time wisely. These are people he may not see for a while, and time with them has flown by. In his words, graduating is bittersweet.
Well, I need to vaccuum and put stuff away before the parents get here.
Nothing like both sets of parents visiting to make an apartment get a lot cleaner!
Will post pictures of graduation soon :)